Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sometimes Pups Surprise You

I'm still getting to know my sweet little foster Sunny who suffered a severe head injury a few years ago that left him the doggy equivalent of an autistic child. Best known for his ear-piercing shrieks when he wants his meals (NOW!), is confused or is just out of sorts (as in when we sit too long for a red light on the way to the park), this little cutie actually surprised me today.

Scheduled for an 8:15 vet appointment, I was dreading taking the little guy in because I knew it would disrupt his schedule (Sunny LIVES by his schedule) of slowly waking up (come love on me 4 times please), eating his breakfast and going potty (yes, in that order). The entire process usually begins around 9 for him and takes about an hour. Even something as simple as potty requires copious circling (he has OCD of sorts) and no interruptions so it can take a bit of time.

Needless to say that since we had to leave at 7 to get there on time, I decided to skip all of the "foreplay" and just scooped up the little sleepyhead and popped him into the car. Miracle of miracles, he actually slept all the way to the vet except for the last two blocks where he realized THE SCHEDULE had been violated and shrieked like a little banshee until we got out of the car. (I get some very interesting looks from people who pass by when he screams.) And then he was as good as gold in the vet's office--I'm sure the cookie bribes helped a lot. Yay Sunny!


  1. Sunny has vastly improved since the first day I met him. In fact, he's practically silent during the car rides to the park, even with five other pugs in the back seat. I think it has everything to do with the fact that he has someone who is willing to work with him instead of get frustrated. His trips to the park have also improved his confidence all around, and shows how much a simple walk can make a huge difference in dog's life.
